Everyone who loves the world of fairy tales and believes in kindness, in a hurry to get tickets of the Puppet Theater. There are no restrictions on the age of the person. The visitor of the theater in the play finds peace of mind and finds a special mood! Children's world is the most fun, the real! Moreover, our society needs such purity of soul!

Kanbak shal

Genre: Fairy tale
Director: K.Eshmuratova

«Kanbak Shal» is one of the fairy tales that encourages the younger generation to be honest, hardworking. In a fairy tale, main character wins his own cunning by the black and red giant and ridicules them as fools. Kanbak Shal shows as a winner, because he does not want evil to anyone, he lives his mind and work. The fairy tale is still relevant today and is educational in nature.

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